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Current State of Amherst School District Schools Academic Performance is Troubling

Current State of Amherst School District Schools Academic Performance is Troubling

Once upon a time, Amherst School District Schools had academic outcomes that were the envy of other schools.  Now, not so much.  Observe the following table of the NH SAS performance of the Amherst School District since 2009.


Observe the NH SAS performance of 8th grade students since 2008 in the following graph.

This is shameful at best.  There are many reasons for this, and a lot of blame to go around.

Has the ASB demonstrated they have the ability to own their missteps, focus on the real issues, be fair to the children, AND the entire community?

Does the Amherst School Board, and its surrogates, deserve trust and has it earned the confidence of this community?

No more excuses!  The “buck” stops with the ASB!

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